Label: Raisin'
Released 7/16/2021
Over the course of their career, the Grammy-nominated Barenaked Ladies has sold 15 million records worldwide and built up an arsenal of hits such as "If I Had $1,000,000," "One Week," "Pinch Me" and "The Big Bang Theory Theme." Widely acknowledged as one of the best live acts on the planet, the BNL was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame during 2018. As Ed Robertson, Jim Creeggan, Tyler Stewart and Kevin Hearn put it on Detour de Force, "Wasn't easy but it turned out alright/Wouldn't trade it for another...You don't wanna miss this mutha."
Track listing:
- Flip
- Good Life
- New Disaster
- Big Back Yard
- Live Well
- Flat Earth
- Here Together
- Roll Out
- By Law
- God Forbid
- Paul Chambers
- National Park
- Man-Made Lake
- Internal Dynamo
- Way of the Heart
- Landed on My Head