Label: 1st And 15th Too
Released 8/26/2022
Twisting and contorting the English language to fit the meter and his every whim, Lupe Fiasco uses his superb lyrical skill to process the changing world in which he lives. Drawing connections between the concrete and spiritual in his hometown of Chicago, Lupe announces DRILL MUSIC IN ZION, his next album. The product of a burst of thoughtful spontaneity, Lupe created the new album over a short period, diving into a folder of beats sent by his longtime producer Soundtrakk and emerging with a fully-realized album in just three days. “Soundtrakk is the swordmaker, I’m the samurai," says Lupe. "He’s the mechanic, and I’m the driver.” Armed with Soundtrakk's soulful sounds, Lupe creates a focused statement that reflects on the past and paves a way forward, preaching strength through mindfulness and self-sustaining community.
Track listing:
- The Lion's Deen (FT. Ayesha Jaco)
- Ghoti
- Autoboto (FT. Nayirah)
- Precious Things (FT. Nayirah)
- Kiosk
- Ms. Mural
- Naomi
- Drill Music in Zion
- Seattle (FT. Nayirah)
- On Faux Nem