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Boogarins- Sombrou Dúvida

Boogarins- Sombrou Dúvida

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Label: Oar

Released 2019

Sombrou Dúvida is a question. A play on words in Boogarins’ native Brazilian Portuguese. It’s a contraction of “Sombra ou Dúvida”, the title track of the album, which translates as ‘Shadow or Doubt’. There might seem to be a darkness to the question, given that both choices aren’t exactly cheery. Yet, Dinho, the smiling, Afro-donned singer of the group tells us that “shadow” refers to a feeling related to your comfort zone, whereas doubt is the uncertainty that hits people and leads them to follow their instincts.

Track listing:

  1. As Chances
  2. Sombra Ou Dúvida
  3. Ivenção
  4. Dislexia Ou Transe
  5. A Tradição
  6. Nós
  7. Tardança
  8. Desander
  9. Te Quero Longe
  10. Passeio
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